we're following multiple breaking stories including a source now telling cnn to expect a flurry of pardons from president trump in the coming days this comes as the white house is dodging questions about reports the president may actually be considering pardons for his personal attorney rudy giuliani and members of the first family we're joined by the chairman of the house intelligence committee california democratic representative adam schiff congressman thanks so much for joining us if the president does indeed pardon let's say rudy giuliani or any members of his family would you see that and i asked preet bharara this question as essentially an admission of guilt i certainly would view it that way i think millions of americans would view it that way if there was no belief in criminality why would he think a pardon was necessary but nonetheless you can see the president trying to lay the foundation for that kind of a inherently self-dealing and i think corrupt act by suggesting that uh you know vengeful biden administration bureaucrats might go after him uh so you see him laying the foundation and this is a president to you know on the way into office uh you know acted corruptly and i think is determined on the way out to do the same in 2018 uh the president said i'm quoting him now i have the absolute right to pardon myself some of his allies are actually pushing that he do just that can he go ahead and pardon himself before he leaves office well you know he can try the question is will it be null and void and i think the answer is yes he can say i hereby pardon myself but if he is brought up on federal charges and that's how that would be tested it would ultimately be decided by the supreme court are you allowed to be the judge of your own case is the president effectively above the law and i think any court uh should resolve that and would resolve that by saying no uh the pardon power does not allow a president to self-pardon because to do so would make the constitution a suicide pact it would effectively undermine so many other provisions of the constitution including the one that requires the president to faithfully execute the laws uh but uh but it hasn't been tried before because we haven't had a president corrupt enough to try it before uh so we'll we'll have to wait and see whether it gets tested in court if the president goes in that direction the white house uh congressman wouldn't say today if president trump has confidence in the attorney general of the united states bilbao after bard debunked the president's election fraud claims what does that tell you well you know i think the attorney general answered a question that many of us had which is is there no line he is willing to cross uh to carry water for the president and apparently there was a line and that was the attorney general was not going to join completely fallacious claims of massive fraud following our election now he is willing to do other things that are inappropriate and political and partisan like this secret appointment of durham as a special counsel in an effort i guess to placate any members of the base that he will alienate by making the statement he did about the elections but but nonetheless uh i think it tells you that the circle around the president is willing to continue to engage in these monstrously false claims of fraud is a dwindling number of people and as i pointed out yesterday and i think it's very significant i'll point it out again barr actually said it's not just the department of justice that found no evidence of widespread fraud in the election but it's also the department of homeland security which investigated found no evidence of widespread fraud either before i let you go congressman the house speaker nancy pelosi now wants covid relief talks based on this 908 billion dollar proposal put out by a bipartisan group of senators does that proposal do you believe stand a real chance and if if you can't reach a deal how do you explain to the millions of americans out there who are about to lose unemployment benefits might be kicked out of their homes might not have enough money to put food on the table how do you explain to them the urgent need to get money and get relief to them right now well i think it does stand a very good chance of becoming a part of the government funding package to keep the government open and we have to take up within the next two weeks i hope and pray that we do pass a relief package that is based on what's set out in that bipartisan compromise and uh you know how do you explain if congress doesn't well that will be something that mitch mcconnell will have to explain to the country because right now he is the number one impediment to getting to a deal um and so you know the the democratic leadership has uh compromised by uh you know essentially agreeing to start from a blueprint that's less than half of what we had asked for uh mcconnell uh should be willing to do at least double of what he started out with and then we'd have a deal but we'll have to see whether uh mcconnell wants to put a lump of coal in people's stocking this year um the reality is wolf uh millions of americans can't wait millions of businesses will disappear and not re-emerge next year if we don't help them now yeah these stakes uh right now are so so enormous uh congressman as usual thanks so much for joining us